
If you live in Munich or in any other city in Germany, you must deregister when you leave the country

Abmeldung: How to deregister in Germany

Some of the most important things you'll need to do include officially deregistering your residence (Abmeldung) and terminating various contracts, such as your health insurance, internet, electricity, gas and mobile phone contracts. You may also want to set up a mail forwarding order, deregister your vehicle and business, and please also keep in mind to stop paying the German broadcasting fees (GEZ) and child benefits.
Read MoreAbmeldung: How to deregister in Germany
voluntary pension insurance contribution

Voluntary pension contribution germany

Voluntary payments into the pension insurance scheme offer an opportunity here to proactively close "pension gaps". Each additional payment increases pension entitlements and thus improves financial security in old age. This not only enables a carefree life in retirement, but also provides the security of being financially independent and self-determined in old age.
Read MoreVoluntary pension contribution germany